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HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning
HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning

HARPERS WP5 Advanced Technologies Questionnaire

This questionnaire was developed by the Work Package 5 (Advanced Technologies) of the HARPERS project that aims to:

  • identify the obstacles and issues that could hamper the implementation of advanced technologies in waste management and decommissioning,
  • identify opportunities for more aligned practices, methodologies and approaches across Member States, and
  • investigate and conclude on the need and benefits of the adoption of and more aligned approach to advanced technologies, to enhance waste management and decommissioning operations in Europe.

The HARPERS project is attempting to identify the key blockers and enablers associated with developing new, innovative technologies, with the goal of establishing more aligned strategies to ease implementation including aligning and standardisation of practices.

Your input will provide critical information, allowing you to contribute to the success of the sub-task group and the wider HARPERS project. Most importantly, by understanding your experiences we can increase the spectrum of perspectives from outside the HARPERS consortium.

To maximise the benefits of this questionnaire we decided to tailor some of the questions to specific stakeholder categories. These categories are:

  • Service providers or end-users
  • Research institutes or technology developer (R&D in the following)
  • Operator
  • Regulator
  • Supervisory Authority
  • Consultancy
  • Other

Stakeholder-specific open questions are either marked as such (word-file) or will be selected automatically (online reply via MS Forms) based on your feedback to the first question. The questionnaire covers six categories, in total we would like to ask you around ten open questions. In addition, we formulated some general statements and would like to find out if you agree or disagree with each of them.

All provided information is handled confidentially and will be used only for internal purposes within the HARPERS project. We would like to stress that the report will not make any direct links between the feedback you provided and your organisation.

We generated a web-based version of the questionnaire using Microsoft Forms. Please provide your contribution!

A short presentation is available here as guidance for the exercise.

If you prefer to provide your feedback using the Word document you can find it here:

 If you have any questions or feedback please send them to the following:

  • Sub-Task 5.2a Standardising approaches to technology assessment and qualification for decontamination, environmental restoration, waste treatment and immobilisation:
  • Sub-Task 5.2b  Standardising protocols and systems to support adoption of robotics and automation in decommissioning, dismantling and waste management:
  • Sub-Task 5.2c Standardising digital twin and advanced Building Information Management (BIM) technology and their application:
European Commission

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2021-27 under grant agreement No 101060028.