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HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning
HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning

New partners announcement

After the Open call evaluation process, the HARPERS project has taken onboard four new partners to complement the expertise of existing consortium partners for studying the nine priority topics selected during Phase 1. The selected topics will be studied in more detail in Phase 2 by performing deeper engagement with stakeholders and further evaluation.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration and the achievement of great milestones in the HARPERS project together with our newest Consortium partners:

  • CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)
  • ENGIE Laborelec
  • HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research
  • Tractebel Engineering S.A.
European Commission

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2021-27 under grant agreement No 101060028.