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HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning
HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning

Open call application

After a year of preparatory work (Phase 1) nine priority topics have been selected for further analysis in Phase 2 of the HARPERS project, (D2.2 - Analysis of stakeholder engagement results and definition of priority areas). Three topics have been selected from each of the three themes the HARPERS project is focused on:

  • Cross border services and facilities
  • Circular economy
  • Advanced technology

More information on the selected topics can be found here.

The selected topics will be studied in more detail in the second phase of the project (from M18, November 2023, onwards), by performing deeper engagement with stakeholders and to further evaluate issues associated with the topics. The outcome of Phase 2 will be a series of position papers, each based on the relevant task data and the detailed feedback from the stakeholders engaged with a series of recommendations using the TECOP (technical, economical, commercial, organizational and political) approach.

The HARPERS project has a financing mechanism whereby it can take onboard new partners to complement the expertise of existing consortium partners when studying the nine priority topics across WP3-5. Some dedicated budget has been set aside for this purpose. Allocation of this budget to successful applicants will be based on an average personnel rate per month.

The process of assigning partners to work on topics in Phase 2 will be done through an “open call” where both internal and external parties are asked to apply/express their interest to work on some of the selected topics. The open call has three objectives:

  1. to identify and select potential external parties that provide added value to the project (bring in expertise relevant to the selected topic which is not yet/less available in the consortium),
  2. to identify the consortium partners' preferred topics. HARPERS partners already indicated during project preparation their initial interest in either one or two technical Work Packages (WP) (as listed in the grant agreement), but now that topics have been identified, they need to apply for the topics to which they fit best. During Phase 1b, minor re-distribution of the staff effort (Consortium partners) is anticipated, based on prioritisation of Phase 1 outcomes,
  3. to enable the project coordinators to evenly spread the efforts among WPs & topics by combining the best available expertise.

Parties assigned to the same topic are expected to collaborate on work on the topic. The first task within each topic will be to produce a joint work plan. This is required to update the “Description of Action” of the project and the Consortium Agreement.

This open call is the official application for all – both consortium members and external parties. Applications are made through the application form on this webpage. Currently it is envisaged that, a group of at least 3/4 project consortium partners (and additional new partners) will work together on each topic.

How to apply?

1. Legal aspects

If you are not a consortium partner and you apply to the open call, then you are expected to become a full partner of the HARPERS project if your application is successful. This requires your organization to agree with the existing grant agreement and the consortium agreement. There is no possibility of modification to these agreements. We will send you a copy of the existing grant agreement and the existing consortium agreement plus their accession documents once your application has been granted.

  • candidates should already have a PIC number, or request one when their application is accepted. More information on this PIC number and the website to request this can be found here.
  • selected organisations will have to agree with the currently available version of the grant agreement and the consortium agreement. Both documents can be shared with the applying organisations once their application is considered to be complete.
  • European Commission (EC) funding can only be requested by organisations which are eligible for EURATOM funding. The eligibility rules can be found here.
  • organisations which are not eligible for funding can participate by bringing in their own financial resources and will be considered as associated partners in the consortium
  • organisations which are eligible for funding, but who want to participate in the project with own financial resources will be considered as beneficiaries, with 0€ financial contribution from EC

2. Financial aspects

The effort expected as contribution to a selected topic by a new partner is set at 2 Person Months, and should be focused on one topic only. The consortium anticipates 3 to 5 new partners to benefit from this additional financing. In the application form you will be requested to provide the hourly rates of the staff expected to work on the topic, in order to derive the applicable Person Month cost.

3. Application form and evaluation process

Formal application to the selected priority topics needs to be done through the dedicated webform. This application is mandatory for all parties, consortium members and new interested external parties. The application form follows two routes, one for existing consortium partners and one for new applicants. All applicants need to provide a motivation as to why they wish to work on a specific topic, but only new parties need to provide administrative information and references as lines of evidence to support their application. Only applications which are considered to be complete (all required fields filled in) will be accepted for review.

The review and selection process will also follow two routes, existing consortium partners will follow an internal selection process, while new applicants will first pass a review by 2 external experts. They will evaluate external 3rd parties based on the evidence supplied of relevant experience and expertise, and the motivation.

More information on the evaluation process can be found in following document.

The application will differ for consortium partners and external parties and should be completed in a continuous process as it does not support intermediate saving of your entries!

The application is making use of microsoft forms. An overview with all questions to be answered (thus empty form) is provided in the two files below. We recommend you to prepare your application by using the empty forms, because an intermediate save in the application itself is not possible.

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Open call application members

Open call application no members

The Open Call application has been closed as planned. Thanks to all the applicants for their valuable contribution! The outcome of the selection process will be communicated soon. Stay tuned.


July 7, 2023

July 7, 2023:

 Open call application on-line

July 7, 2023

August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023:

 Closure of the application, start of review process

September 30, 2023

September 30, 2023:

End of review process

September 30, 2023

October 15, 2023

October 15, 2023:

 Communication on the outcome of the selection process

November 15, 2023

November 15, 2023:

 Start of Phase 2

November 15, 2023

European Commission

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2021-27 under grant agreement No 101060028.